Women in Development and Peace – Hanan Hussein

Yemeni women play an important role in the Yemeni media arena, as they represent more than half of the society. The percentage of women’s appearance in Yemeni media has reached approximately 9.7%, while men appeared at a rate of 90.3%, according to a study by the Studies and Economic Media Center. Their roles vary between presenting programs of all types (news, cultural, and social), as well as directing and producing.


The Importance of the Role of Women in Yemeni Media

 When talking about the importance of the presence of women in the media field, the presenter Adibah Al-Sarari says: “Yemeni women, as history has known them since ancient times, have been participants, educators, and role models for their generation. They have played a pioneering role in several fields, including the media field; documenting and raising human rights reports, field coverage as a correspondent for satellite channels, and humanitarian and social work. This in itself aims to strengthen the Yemeni woman and her resilience, which is evident in the toughest conditions.”

She adds: “In terms of benefit, she has brought many destitute cases to the right place, helped them, and saved what can be saved from those affected by conflict and displacement in tragic events. She succeeded in healing wounds as a doctor, and conveyed the truth to the world as a journalist.”

Experts and specialists believe that the importance of women in the media field contributes to many important aspects of society, including raising social awareness about various social, cultural, and political issues, and enhancing community participation.

In addition to defining the importance of women and promoting their participation in all aspects of life, including political, economic, and social aspects, changing the stereotypical image of women in society, and demonstrating their ability to contribute in various fields.


Most Prominent Roles Women Play in the Media

 The most prominent roles that women have played in Yemeni media are in various fields, including journalism, visual media, and radio. Female journalists have contributed to shedding light on many important issues in Yemeni society, as well as presenting diverse programs that address different segments of the community, such as social, cultural, political, and sports programs.

Media professional Meethaq Tawfiq spoke on this matter, saying: “Women in the media have excelled in various departments, including journalism, television, and radio, and have presented numerous social, economic, educational, and cultural works.”

She adds: “Yemeni women have had and continue to have a prominent role in the media arena, despite all the difficulties they faced at the beginning of entering this field, which was previously exclusive to men.”

Journalist Anisa Mohammed believes that female media professionals have a significant role, similar to that of men, in fulfilling the media’s role in society. Some of these roles, as she mentioned, include “raising awareness, entertaining, educating, and conveying facts and truths.” Anisa adds, “Female media professionals have fulfilled all roles for the community, serving and meeting its informational needs.”

Adeeba Al-Sarari, a presenter, confirms this by saying, “There is no doubt that the role of women has a significant impact, whether through fieldwork, office work, television, or radio. Its importance is evident in selecting the content provided to serve the community’s issues, and at that point, the ultimate goal becomes raising awareness for the largest possible segment in various fields.”

Al-Sarari adds, “Recently, we have witnessed many Yemeni female media professionals receiving creative and international awards, which positively reflects on their effective role in the Yemeni media arena.”


The role of women in the media contributes to many important aspects of society, but at the same time, it is constrained by a set of challenges, some of which have been mentioned by a group of media professionals.

Meethaq Tawfiq, a media professional, speaks on this matter, saying: “Women in the field of media in Yemen have faced many difficulties, challenges, and tough obstacles, and they still continue to try to establish themselves in the field, especially in the midst of the conflict that the country is experiencing, which has widely affected all aspects of life, including the media.”

Adeeba Al-Sarari, presenter, stated: “Women encounter difficulty in moving and traveling in general without a male guardian. Additionally, they face challenges when traveling to conflict areas due to their journalistic work. Furthermore, there is a lack of a complete team with them during their field coverage, and a scarcity of the information they need for long-term follow-up.”

Al-Sarari reiterates: “The work of women in the journalistic and fieldwork fields is exhausting, tiring, and challenging, which may be due to the lack of adequate and good income in office work or other jobs, and perhaps the difficulty of living makes them take risks in this difficult profession.”

Anisa Mohammed, a journalist, believes that women in the media field may encounter difficulties similar to those faced in other professions, where challenges arise simply because of their gender. Society views female journalists as mere appearances and a means to attract followers only. This is why media outlets tend to attract those who are beautiful, regardless of their media capabilities, while others remain confined to their homes.

Anisa adds, “The difficulty of traveling from one governorate to another, and from one country to another, alone to perform her work. Our conservative society does not accept a woman’s travel without a male guardian. And let’s not forget the society’s resistance to the idea of accepting women in the media field.”



Meethaq Tawfiq believes that there are fundamental solutions, including intellectual and social ones, and that space must be given to women in various branches and departments of the field.

Adeeba Al-Sarari sees that one of the most prominent solutions is to focus on a woman’s intellect, awareness, and culture, rather than external appearance. It’s important to care for and develop content development and to select individuals who are more worthy and competent in journalism and media, and there are many, and to avoid unprofessional selection based on superficial criteria.

She added: “Many training courses should be provided for women, opportunities for work should be created, and space should be given for creativity, as well as educating society about the role of female journalists and their importance.” Al-Sarari also believes that it is possible to allocate office work to women, such as building reports, human interest and documentary stories, developing their writing skills, and editing on news websites, and other tasks that are suitable for their nature as women.

Experts and analysts add: It is necessary to legislate laws and regulations that protect women’s rights and change the societal view of working women in the field. It is also important to support working women by providing equal job opportunities for both women and men, offering training and qualification for female journalists, as well as providing training and qualification opportunities for women in the field of media.

Yemeni women play an important role in the Yemeni media arena and contribute to many important aspects of society. It is essential to improve women’s work and highlight the importance of their role in society to promote gender equality values, raise social awareness, and support human rights.

Women have an important and prominent role in the Yemeni media arena. Women have contributed to the dissemination, presentation, and professional handling of many issues in a manner that can be described as professional, accurate, and disciplined. Do we see Yemeni female journalists more empowered?