Afrah Borji – Women in Development and Peace


Yemeni women working in various fields embody a bright image of resilience and the ability to face challenges.  Despite the difficult circumstances in Yemen, these women demonstrate their ability to actively build their society, raise community awareness, and encourage other women to engage in the labor market without restrictions.

Determined Yemeni women are venturing into diverse fields, from physically demanding sports to fields requiring high skills and expertise. They are not deterred by the obstacles they face but confront them with determination and strong will, proving their ability to overcome challenges and achieve success.


Society’s View of Women’s Sports

Shukri Husain, Director General of the General Administration of Information at the Ministry of Youth and Sports, confirmed that the laws and regulations governing sports in Yemen are equal for both genders. The country views sports without distinction between male and female athletes. He pointed out that women and girls have the right to practice sports, whether at the promotional level associated with hobbies or competitive sports while ensuring a sports environment that preserves their privacy.

Husain’s emphasis on the principle of equality in sports represents a positive step towards enhancing Yemeni women’s participation in various sports fields. While some affirm women’s right to practice sports like men, others believe that this contradicts customs and traditions and that a woman’s place is only at home.

In this context, media professional Idris Al-Sulaihi spoke about the negative view of some members of Yemeni society towards women who cheer for clubs or players. He said, “If society views women who cheer for specific clubs or players negatively, how will they view women who practice sports?”

He explained that some members of Yemeni society believe that women’s participation in sports violates customs and traditions and that only men have the right to engage in sports. He added, “However, despite the conflicts and societal restrictions that have deprived women of the opportunity from participating in many activities, they are still trying to break those restrictions and get rid of them by all means. Some areas in Yemen have begun to encourage women to practice sports, and today there are many women’s clubs in different regions.”

He pointed out that Yemeni women have made significant strides in the field of sports, driven by their determination and will, and with the support and encouragement of society. These achievements challenge the stereotypical image of women in Yemeni society and affirm their right to actively participate in various fields, going beyond sports.

Dr. Jamil Tarboosh, on the other hand, points to the need to provide a suitable environment for women to practice various sports, taking into account Yemeni customs and traditions. He explained that the lack of sports facilities dedicated to women is one of the most significant challenges facing women’s sports in Yemen. For example, in Aden, there is only one indoor sports hall dedicated to women, leading to overcrowding and difficulty in practicing sports comfortably.


A Golden Era of Prosperity

Shukri Husain states, “Despite the achievements of Yemeni women in various fields, their participation in sports remains limited. This is due to several factors, some are subjective and others are objective, in addition to the social conditions that hinder the spread of sports among girls. If these challenges are overcome, society will accept and encourage women’s sports, especially when practiced in appropriate conditions.”

He mentioned that women’s sports in Yemen witnessed a golden era of prosperity and excellence, especially in the southern governorates. In Aden and other governorates, talented girls emerged as professional players in clubs and national teams, achieving prestigious sporting achievements at the Arab level.

He indicated that the flourishing of women’s sports during that era was due to the supportive and encouraging environment for practicing sports, as there were sports facilities dedicated to women. However, in recent years, women’s sports in Yemen have faced a noticeable decline, with some women’s games even reaching the point of extinction.


Challenges and Proposals

Idris Al-Sulaihi lists several factors that have shaped society’s view of female athletes, some rooted in customs and traditions, and others resulting from a lack of education, awareness, and media promotion of women’s sports.

Sports journalist Dunia Farhan explains that female sports journalists in Yemen face many challenges that hinder their progress in this field and limit their participation in sporting events. She points out that the lack of attention to women’s sports in general is one of the most significant challenges faced by female sports journalists. Due to this neglect, they do not receive the necessary opportunities and support to develop their skills or access appropriate training and qualifications to enhance their abilities in areas such as filming, news writing, and reporting. Additionally, men dominate many positions and opportunities in the field of sports media.

To change this reality, Dunia Farhan offers some suggestions to overcome the challenges female sports journalists face in Yemen, including increasing attention to women’s sports by the concerned ministry and responsible authorities, providing training and educational opportunities for female sports journalists, creating equal opportunities for women in the field of sports media, and breaking the barrier of male dominance.


Future Plans

“Although the laws and regulations in Yemen allow women to practice sports on an equal footing with men, the reality imposes significant challenges that hinder the spread of women’s sports in the country,” affirmed Shukri.

He explained that Yemeni society suffers from a conservative nature that prevents women from participating in sports activities. Furthermore, the difficult social and economic conditions facing the country affect the availability of sports facilities dedicated to women, financial support for female athletes, and the organization of women’s sporting events. The unstable political and security situation in Yemen also casts a shadow over all aspects of life, including sports, making it difficult to practice, especially for women.

Shukri Husain confirms that the Ministry of Youth and Sports is preparing plans to promote women’s sports in Yemen by providing women with more support and opportunities to practice sports, achieve athletic achievements, and raise the Yemeni flag in international forums.

Sports journalist Dunia highlighted plans to enhance the participation of Yemeni women in the field of sports. These plans aim to create a supportive environment for women’s participation in all aspects of sports and achieve gender equality in this field.

She mentioned the importance of working with sports leaders in all Yemeni governorates, not just Aden, to ensure the effective participation of women in various aspects of sports, from playing and coaching to refereeing and administration. This includes providing financial and moral support to female sports journalists, organizing training courses to develop their capabilities, and involving them in covering various sports championships across the country.

Dunia Farhan emphasizes the role of media in highlighting the achievements of Yemeni female athletes and inspiring future generations of girls to participate in sports. She said, “If these plans are implemented, we expect to see a significant increase in women’s participation in Yemeni sports at all levels, which will contribute to achieving gender equality and creating a more just and open society.”