Women in Development and Peace – Afrah Borji

Journalist Munira Al-Tayyar carved her name as a pioneering journalist in the field of media in Yemen. Driven by her passion and love for journalism since childhood, she grew up in an exceptional media environment. Her father, a prominent economic journalist, previously worked for Al-Thawra newspaper and currently holds the position of Director of Media at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Munira shares, “Since ninth grade, I closely studied my father’s articles and tried to emulate his writing. I made a commitment to become a journalist like him, so I enrolled in the College of Media, defying my mother’s fears and opposition, as well as resistance from other family members.

However, her father’s support was crucial in her journey. Munira graduated from the College of Media and began working independently, determined to enhance her skills. She took courses and training in journalism and earned a master’s degree in the same field, driven by her passion and love for the profession.

A Good Start

 Munira graduated from the College of Media at Sana’a University, majoring in journalism in 2017. But her educational journey didn’t end there. She embarked on a path of accomplishments that extended beyond her bachelor’s degree. Driven by determination, she pursued a master’s degree in journalism in 2022.

Munira Al-Tayyar is an investigative journalist and a seasoned reporter. With a strong educational foundation, she actively participates in various professional associations. In addition to her success, she has completed 30 investigative reports, 30 articles, 150 news articles, 50 comprehensive reports, and in-depth features since her graduation from university.

Munira, among Yemeni women, works diligently despite the challenges posed by social norms and traditions. She managed to stand out among numerous female journalists and reporters, defying the circumstances. Her success story serves as an inspiring example for many women.

 Conservative Society

In Yemen, the society is very conservative, and the presence of women as investigative journalists is definitely something new in Yemen. Therefore, we find extremely difficult challenges and situations faced by Yemeni female media professionals working in the field of journalism.

Therefore, Munira Al-Tayyar highlighted the challenging situations she faced while working in the media, especially journalism. She stated, “Certainly, Yemen’s current situation has placed women in general in several difficulties in their work, particularly female journalists. Society perceives them as disrupting the status quo and causing turmoil in reality. However, our journalistic and media work aims to convey a part of what is happening in the real world.

One of the challenging situations that Munira faced during her journalistic work was the monopoly over crucial information related to the topics she covered. Often confined to qat sessions, she encountered this problem significantly. To overcome it, she collaborated with male colleagues, allowing them to extract information directly from the source. This approach helped her avoid the difficulties faced by female journalists in a society that does not forgive any misstep by women.

Extreme Interest

 The experiences that drove Munira to engage in the field of media and demonstrate dedicated interest in societal issues are significant. She contributes to conveying people’s struggles and stories, which have a profound impact. Her journalistic work aims to present these narratives objectively and authentically. Particularly, issues related to women, who often choose silence out of fear of societal repercussions, and also those concerning children, require courage to be addressed impartially and credibly.

 Experiences & Achievements

 Munira says: “The field of media is vast and greatly contributes to education. The most important lesson I’ve learned is to listen more than speak. When we listen to others, it instills confidence in the media. Additionally, credibility and impartiality make society trust journalists and their content. In a country like Yemen, where challenges abound, we prioritize neutrality and, undoubtedly, accuracy in conveying information.

Munira added, “Until now, I don’t see any major accomplishments. I am still a novice in the world of journalism and media. However, recently, a report by me and my colleague Mohammed Omar was selected on Khuyut platform by the International Center for Journalists as one of the best journalistic pieces.”


 Munira Al-Tayyar pointed out, “The most prominent challenges and difficulties I encountered in journalistic work, which I managed to overcome, include the wave of fear and parental concern. People believe that journalism and reporting are professions fraught with troubles and risks. This perception poses a challenge in every piece I write. Additionally, I face those who attempt to hinder my efforts in promoting peace. Despite these obstacles, I strive to overcome them, always remembering the journalistic duty to contribute to peace-building within society.”

Current Reality

Munira Al-Tayyar states: “The current reality of media is uncomfortable, despite the vast array of different media outlets. These outlets are often controlled by various entities. However, the positive aspect that instills hope today is the emergence of young Yemeni journalists and media professionals who strive diligently to present a better image of Yemen and the field of media. They persist despite the obstacles they face in a somber and tragic reality.”

She concludes by saying, “We are confident that our message must reach its audience. We must set an example in delivering facts, especially in a context where misleading tools exist.”