Hebah Mohammed – Women in Development and Peace


Amidst social and economic transformations in societies today, women’s participation in sports has become essential for enhancing sustainable development and achieving social justice. The role of women in this sector is not limited to sports itself but extends to the administrative and economic aspects associated with it.

Women’s participation in the sports sector in terms of management, marketing, photography, and other areas is crucial for boosting and developing the local economy. As part of the workforce, women contribute to creating new job opportunities and enhancing the services and associated trade sector. Additionally, women’s participation boosts the local economy by increasing investments in sports facilities and developing related infrastructure.


Women and Sports: A Gateway to the National Economy

Empowering women in sports is not just a matter of social justice but also a strategic investment in achieving sustainable development and strengthening the local economy. By involving women in the sector and providing them with equal opportunities, we will be able to build a more progressive and prosperous community for all.

Captain Budoor Al-Ma’mali says, “Women’s participation in the sports sector is of utmost importance from an economic perspective. Women play a significant role in boosting the economy by engaging in various businesses that enhance economic growth in Yemen, and they hold many productive professions in sports.”

She continues, “However, women in sports may face economic challenges, such as the lack of basic sports necessities and investment opportunities, as well as limited attention from officials to promote this field. Yet, women work harder than men and have the ability to work in multiple fields and implement productive projects.”

Al-Ma’mali emphasizes that women’s participation in the sports sector has a significant impact on the local economy, considering their productive role. Women contribute to creating new job opportunities to enhance economic activity and work to strengthen the sports services sector and develop related infrastructure, thereby contributing to sustainable development and promoting inclusive prosperity.

She mentioned that the College of Physical Education at Sana’a University is currently working on qualifying female coaches in sports to benefit from their expertise in training national teams and qualifying female players in various games. “If this step is realized, it will effectively contribute to boosting the local and national economy by qualifying women in all fields, which is a beautiful reflection of social progress and development in our society,” she adds.

Captain Amal Mud’hish, a shooting coach, shares her perspective: “Women’s participation in the sports sector holds great importance from an economic standpoint, but in reality, the acceptance of women in this field still faces social challenges and deep-rooted traditions.”

She continues, “Other countries are witnessing significant attention to women’s participation in sports, considering it crucial for enhancing economic development. Providing opportunities and resources for women to engage in sports leads to strengthening the local economy and stimulating economic growth. Thus, promoting women’s role in this sector is a wise investment that contributes to long-term economic sustainability.”

Captain Ghadeer Al-Hakimi adds to the conversation: “A woman’s right to take her chance and prove her worth in all sectors, especially the sports health sector, stems from her roles and composition as a female, mother, wife, and daughter. Performing motherhood duties is one of the most challenging tasks, as it requires strength to maintain oneself as a wife, mother, and daughter. In Eastern society, women carry responsibilities that demand twice the effort compared to men. This is the reality imposed on us and the inherited customs.”

She goes on to say, “Women can take on leadership inside and outside the home and handle significant tasks. They are capable of serving the community through their most powerful influence in raising their children. The mother is a primary influence on her family and the entire community. The more women achieve accomplishments in all sectors alongside men, the more they increase their productivity and creativity, the growth of the economy, and the reduction of poverty.”


Women in Sports and Sustainable Development

There is a clear link between sustainable development and women’s participation in sports. Undoubtedly, there are tangible economic benefits to investing in women’s sports. When women are empowered to actively participate in this field, several positive impacts on the economy are realized.

Captain Mud’hish mentioned several of these impacts, including that investing in women’s sports boosts economic development by creating new job opportunities. When the necessary infrastructure and resources are provided to develop women’s sports, job opportunities are created for women in various fields, such as coaching, marketing, and sports management, thereby improving women’s economic independence and enhancing their contribution to economic growth.

For her part, Al-Ma’mali believes that women’s participation in sports contributes to promoting local investment and development and stimulates investment in the infrastructure and facilities of this sector. This, in turn, leads to the promotion of sports tourism and attracts major events and matches, boosting economic activity and raising the income level in the region.

Captain Mud’hish added, “When women in sports achieve success and excellence in sporting competitions, the popularity of the teams and participating athletes increases, which, in turn, increases fan interest and material encouragement and sponsorship, leading to additional economic revenues.”


Sports and Promoting Economic Equality

Sports are an effective means of promoting economic equality for women. It offers an opportunity for everyone, regardless of gender, and the participation of women in outdoor and indoor sports activities guarantees their right to equal access to qualifying sessions and the provision of the necessary sports equipment.

Al-Ma’mali says, “Supporting and focusing on women as producers is essential for achieving economic development. Without the role of women, there will be no strong and effective economy. The community’s attention to the role of women as producers in the field of sports reflects the recognition of their capabilities and potential, which enhances economic equality by providing job opportunities for women and enabling them to actively participate in economic activity.”

She added, “Everyone should encourage the use of sports as a means to achieve economic equality for women. Adequate support should be provided to secure the necessary qualifying sessions and sports equipment. We should also highlight the role of women as producers and enhance their capabilities. Through these efforts, we can build a strong economy and a prosperous society that enjoys economic and social equality for all.”

Mud’hish expressed her regret, saying, “Unfortunately, women’s participation in various fields related to sports is still below the target percentage. The quota is set at 30%, but we have not yet reached this level. Achieving equal opportunities for both genders in this regard faces several challenges.”

She mentioned that social factors are among the most critical challenges, in addition to customs and traditions that have prevented some girls from engaging in sports. She added that the economic factor is also important, as there is insufficient support for women’s sports in Yemen, except for some support provided by the Yemeni Olympic Committee for external participation.


The Role of Women in Sports Management

Regarding the management of sports teams by women, Al-Ma’mali said, “When it comes to developing and managing sports teams, women face several problems, the most important of which are the customs and traditions of our society. Sometimes, women face social restrictions imposed by conservative families who prevent them from managing a team or even engaging in sports due to the lack of a sports culture.”

For her part, Mud’hish believes that women’s participation in the administrative aspect of sports institutions is essential for enhancing economic development. Although women in Yemen still face challenges in accessing administrative positions in this field, providing equal opportunities for women in sports management can bring about positive change in the country.

She points out that women are often characterized by dedication and commitment in performing their job duties, thanks to their devotion and uniqueness in work, and women have a unique ability to achieve success in the administrative field of sports institutions. Their presence also promotes practical ethics and contributes to building a solid institutional culture.

Captain Al-Ma’mali added, “Yemeni women can contribute to the management of sports institutions and combat corruption due to the commitment and integrity many women possess. Their presence in administrative decisions is a regulator for integrity and transparency, thus achieving a competitive and fair business environment that encourages economic growth.”

Captain Al-Hakimi believes that recently, strong and effective leadership by women has emerged in the field of training and qualification in sports. Sports have noticeably influenced women’s lives, increased their self-confidence, and enhanced their impact on their interactions. Additionally, there has been continuous improvement in this domain, and many Yemeni women have achieved notable economic success in this sector.


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