Hebah Mohammed – Women for Development and Peace The stories of successful women in Yemen serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for other women. They reflect the
Yasmine Abdulhafeez – Women in Development and Peace Yemeni universities face significant challenges in implementing educational policies to develop the country’s academic process. These policies, designed to provide higher
Haneen Al-Wahsh – Women in Development and Peace The higher education sector is a fundamental pillar of comprehensive and sustainable development worldwide, and a cornerstone for building the future
Hebah Mohammed – Women for Development and Peace Higher education for Yemeni women is a topic worthy of attention and scrutiny. Women in Yemen face social constraints and challenges
Alia Mohammed – Women in Development and Peace The ongoing conflict in Yemen, which has lasted for nearly a decade, has significantly impacted all aspects of Yemeni society, particularly
Hanan Hussein – Women in Development and Peace For nearly a decade, Yemen has faced significant developmental and service challenges, greatly impacting various aspects of local communities. This necessitates
Yasmine Abdulhafeez – Women in Development and Peace Yemeni women have successfully entered numerous fields previously considered exclusive to men. Through their experiences in various domains, they have proven
Alia Muhammad – Women in Development and Peace In recent years, the world has witnessed a digital revolution and rapid technological transformations that have opened new horizons in various
Hebah Mohammed – Women in Development and Peace Yemeni women are a true driving force in developing the economy and achieving progress in Yemen through their diverse contributions across
Ahmed Bajoaim – Women in Development and Peace Higher education in Yemen faces numerous challenges, most notably the deep gap between opportunities for men and women. Women face social,